- Please provide me with the last 3 months to date of processing statements. A processing statement is a financial document provided by your payment processor. Please note it must contain a detailed record of past transactions and disputes.
There are certain business types which we require processing statements for since they fall into the restricted categories of our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
Kindly note the processing statements are required at this stage of the review. If you're unable to provide this information now, I'd be glad to reassess your application once you have processed for 3 months with a payment processor and can provide this.
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xiaohanyu 102 天前
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realpg 102 天前
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xiaohanyu 101 天前
@realpg 不行的,我也是收到同样的真人回复邮件,就是需要 3 个月别家的 processing statements ,然后才能去注册 paddle ,非常坑
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realpg 101 天前
@xiaohanyu #7
你为啥总是自说自话。。。 你找没找有名有姓的真人销售代表去谈关于你们开户的事项?找个他们公司电话,打过去,告诉他你这是特殊情况,让他们给你一个售前工程师/销售代表,然后 1v1 的沟通你们的项目 你这个情况不符合人家标准,不适用任何在线签约,你就非得陷入先有鸡先有蛋的问题 人家规则都给的很明白了,遇到了先有鸡先有蛋,走线下渠道找他们的售前工程师 |
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xiaohanyu 100 天前
@realpg 你这人真是搞笑了咧,我哪里自说自话了?你怎么知道我没跟 paddle 的真人联系啊?为了开个户我还得订机票远涉重洋去找他们线下谈?你找他们线下谈他们就能接受么?
我邮件跟他们谈过几轮,贴几段原文: ``` Hi Hanyu, I completely understand that you have registered your company recently and therefore you do not have the processing statements required. However as a company, Paddle prioritises the safety and security of our valued customers, and this information is necessary for us to ensure a secure environment for all. As we are unable to support your business at this time, I would recommend using an alternative payment provider until you are able to provide the requested processing statements. I assure you that once you are able to resubmit your domain with the necessary information, our team will be more than happy to reassess the situation and provide a prompt response. I appreciate your understanding. ``` ``` Hi Hanyu, I understand the challenge you're facing. To clarify, you will need to provide processing statements from a payment processor for at least the past three months. These statements help us assess your transaction history and ensure everything aligns with our requirements. Yes, it typically means that you’ll need to integrate with another payment processor and generate some transaction history before applying for Paddle. Once you’re approved by Paddle, you can then migrate your customer data to our platform. If you have any more questions or need further assistance during this process, please feel free to reach out. ``` 人家已经写了:“Yes, it typically means that you’ll need to integrate with another payment processor and generate some transaction history before applying for Paddle. ”,但是这条规则就没在 paddle 的官网上明示过。 问题是,如果我已经集成了一个 payment processor ,我干嘛还要再费那个劲迁移到 paddle 啊? MoR 的服务又不只 paddle 一家。 |