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分享开源一个 Python 写的百万数据的排行系统

  •   lianghui ·
    whiteclover · 2014-08-18 09:49:35 +08:00 · 2784 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3705 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    Leaf is a Leaderboard system that helps you rank million user data.

    项目已经完成基本功能,但还是有比较多bug。 项目是为了建立一个可复用抽象的排行系统模块。


    项目地址: https://github.com/thomashuang/Leaf


    In system, supporting two leaderboard ways, one is ranking by score DESC,the same score has the same rank; another is 'dense' that ranks by score DESC, entry id ASC, the same score has diffrent rank order by entry id ASC.

    In leaderboard attribute 'adapter', has four values ('base', 'bucket', 'block', 'chunk'), they are four leaderboard algorithms, but the kernel algorithm is bucket sort algorithm.

    .. note:: When you don't use base adapter to rank leaderboard, you shuld set cron to fresh the bucket table

    Base MySQL SQL

    When set leaderboard adapter to 'base', the system will use the MySQL SQL, realtime sort the entries.
    It suits for small data leaderboard that less 10k data.

    Score Bucket

    When set leaderboard adapter to 'bucket', it will summary user count by score to help rank your leaderboard.

    Block Bucket

    When set leaderboard adapter to 'block', it will summary user's conunt by a static scoce grap, like score block [0-100], [101-200]…,
    it can be used to rank the user score histgram is steady and smooth.

    Chunk Bucket

    When set leaderboard adapter to 'chunk', unlike block algorithm using a static score grap, but is dynamic score grap that makes sure user's count between a suitable range like (5000, 10000]

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