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Architecture Modeling

  •   aaronzheng · 2014-11-15 01:44:57 +08:00 · 2225 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3613 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    根据一些资料,随手整理了和归纳了一些概念。。。 路过放出一点点儿。。。接着继续匿了。。。
    Architecture models: UML notation, Use case diagrams, Interaction diagrams, Activity diagrams, and Class diagrams.

    Three leading OO notations decide to combine:
    Grady Booch (BOOCH)
    Jim rumbaugh (OMT: Object modeling technique)
    Ivar Jacobsen (OOSE: OO Soft. Eng)

    1. UML is an international standard composed of multiple modeling languages that existed before
    2. UML has wide applicability
    3. Use Cases and use case diagrams represent the scope of a system very succinctly and precisely
    4. Sequence diagrams are useful to represent dynamic interactions between components, classes, use cases, etc
    5. Activity diagrams are better than flow chats to represent parallel flows of events
    6. Class diagram present concepts in a system, along with relationships and potentially detailed information about attributes, operations, multiplicity, and other details.

    原创文章若有转载,务请注明出处: http://www.sightcorner.com/technique/2014_11_10
    1 条回复    2014-11-15 07:40:55 +08:00
       2014-11-15 07:40:55 +08:00
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