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如果你够牛,怎么还不来 App Annie?美国硅谷创业公司 App Annie 诚招大数据研发,高级前端开发等攻城狮人才!

  •   appanniebj · 2016-07-19 16:23:14 +08:00 · 1608 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3000 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    在韶华易逝的岁月里,和优秀的人一起做有挑战的事,才不负这青天明月。现在, App Annie 北京办公室正在火热招兵买马 ,我们需要这样的你:聪明,勤奋,努力,睿智。如果你够牛,为什么还不来 App Annie?

    App Annie 是全球首屈一指的移动应用经济决策平台,为移动应用开发商与发行商提供开发,销售和投资应用的全部信息。每天,全球有千万条数据经 App Annie 处理。每一秒,全球 90%以上的的 Top100 应用商都在享受 App Annie 带来的数据产品和服务。

    作为一个全球化的 App 数据处理公司,去年, AppAnnie 荣登德勤“ 2015 年度北美高科技高成长 500 强公司”第十名。带着 1.57 亿美元已到 E 轮的融资,散发着明星创业公司璀璨的光芒。由数据而生,根植本源,我们始终如一,坚信数据就是力量。

    我们能 offer 你什么?
    - 多元化的工作环境
    - 牛人倍出的专业技术氛围
    - 高效灵活的工作节奏
    - 独立但和谐的团队氛围
    - 全方位包围你的福利:有竞争力的薪酬+六险一金+最新式的 MacBook Air/Pro+早午自助餐+新鲜 TeamBuilding+高价值股票期权+近乎完美的福利制度(健身费 + 宽带费 + 探亲费 + 取暖费+ 学习鼓励费等)以及 量身定做的 Buddy 制度噢~


    还犹豫什么?马上给我们发邮件申请吧!简历请致 [email protected]. 也可以上 App Annie 官网, LinkedIn ,拉钩,猎聘, Boss 直聘都能找到我们。微信号: 75719937


    * 大数据研发工程师 Big Data Engineer

    We ’ re looking for an experienced engineer who can lead project and create innovative new products in the analytics and data space. You will participate to the development that creates the world's #1 app stores analytics service. Together with the team you will build out new product features and applications using agile methodologies and open source technologies. You will work directly with Technical Product Manager, Software Architects, and will be on the front lines of coding new and exciting analytics and data mining products. You should be passionate about what you do and excited to join an entrepreneurial start--up.

    Your responsibilities will include:

    - Design and implement complex product components based on requirements, discuss with project leader and product manager on possible technical solutions.
    - Write data analysis and statistic program in Hadoop ecosystem (Map/Reduce, Pig, Hive, HBase etc) with a commitment to maintaining high quality work while being confident in dealing with data mining challenges.
    - Get up to speed in the machine learning domain, implementing analysis components in a distributed computing environment with instruction from Data Scientists.
    - Be comfortable conducting detailed discussions with Data Scientists regarding specific questions related to specific data models.
    - Tune the performance of Hadoop and its related components.


    - You should be a strong engineer with proven experience in distributed back--end system implementation, profiling and optimization
    - 3+ years computer development experience
    - 1+ years development experience with Python
    - Hands-on experience of MapReduce and NoSql database development and performance tuning
    - Shell and other script language experience is an advantage
    - Deep knowledge of Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS, MapReduce, HBase, Hive, Pig etc.)
    - Familiar with common Machine Learning algorithm in Data Mining domain is a big plus
    - Passion for cloud computing and distributed systems
    - You must be a great problem solver, with the ability to dive deeply into complex problems and emerge with clear and pragmatic solutions
    - Good English spoken and written skills. You will need to be able to work with Western managers in a bilingual environment.
    - Major in Math or Computer Science


    *Senior Web Front-End Engineer

    The Role

    We are seeking a talented front-end web developer to build web applications and software dashboard interfaces for App Annie. Your technical expertise will help us design and develop software solutions that analyze data quickly and efficiently. Our products are used by the top people who change the world with apps. We need smart, passionate and innovative engineer, just like you, to join our team.

    Your responsibilities will include

    - Working closely with PMs, UI/UX designers and backend engineers on new features for App Annies industry-leading analytics dashboard.
    - Provide input into designs and functional specifications.
    - Improve and optimize the code and design.
    - Testing cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility for inconsistencies.


    You should be a talented Front End developer with enough experience to hit the ground running. Ideal candidates will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive HTML/CSS/JavaScript development experience and will be able to get up to speed quickly.
    - A minimum of 3 years of web development experience. Knowledge of at least one framework. For example, Django, RoR.
    - Strong knowledge and experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    - Knowledge of Angular.js, Backbone.js, D3 or Gulp.
    - Experience in responsive implementation is a plus
    - Experience in responsive implementation is a plus
    - Good level of English to communicate in an international environment
    - Ability to work in a team environment, from making pixel perfect sites that meet the design requirements to integrating code with the back-end development team

    * Senior Software Engineer

    The Role

    We ’ re looking for an experienced developer who can create innovative new products in the analytics and data space. Together with the team you will build out the world's #1 Apple App Store analytics service, new product features and applications using agile methodologies and open source technologies. You will work directly with the Director of Product and Director of Engineering, and will be on the front lines of coding new and exciting mobile app analytics products. You should be passionate about what you do and excited to join an entrepreneurial start-­up.


    - You should be a strong engineer with significant experience in back-­end system design, profiling and optimization (database / software design).
    - 5+ years computer development experience, or less experience if exceptional skills combined with a Computer Science degree
    - Good communication skills
    - Great mentor to junior and mid level engineers
    - Passionate about and good understanding of development methodologies such as Scrum, XP or RUP
    - Strong knowledge of Linux
    - Good working knowledge of the following topics:
    - Web development framework: Python/Django or others (ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc
    - DB development: Postgresql or other server database
    - High performance computing: in-­memory database, cloud computing, caching optimization techniques, cluster management, etc
    - Browser technologies: HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery is optional and nice to have
    - You must be a great problem solver, with the ability to dive deeply into complex problems and emerge with clear and pragmatic solutions
    - Good English spoken and written skills. You will need to be able to work in a bilingual environment.

    * Senior Data Operation Analyst

    The Role

    We ’ re looking for a data operation engineer having a first or an advanced experience to support data quality and delivery to customers in the mobile analytics. You will be part of the Delivery Team and you will participate throughout the whole data delivery process. This include data quality assurance, data analysis, report generation, data visualization and report delivery. This position will also take an important role in improving processes by using new tools and solutions in order to provide a scalable platform delivering gigabytes to our customers every week. You should demonstrate flexibility, perseverance and a great communication to achieve the team and the company goals, in a fast paced and challenging start-up environment.

    Your responsibilities will include:

    - Support the App Annie Intelligence data quality assurance process from end to end, making sure that our customers get the best data possible.
    - Manage the report generation and data delivery processes on weekly and monthly basis.
    - Collaborate with the development of advanced data visualization dashboards using Tableau or other reporting tools in order to control the data quality
    - Communicate internally and externally about data delivery
    - Analyze data issues using custom scripts and other analysis tools
    - Provide insights on new tools and methodologies that can make all the tasks of the team more efficient
    - Support Internal request regarding data analysis
    - Actively participate to the team planning meeting
    - Document the team processes
    - Regular travel to our office are expected


    - Computer science or other related fields graduated
    - 3+ years as data engineer or in a position focused on data management
    - Passionate about data and agile environments
    - Mastering of Linux and shell programming is a must - Python is a big plus
    - Knowledge on data warehousing architecture and data modeling best practices
    - Experience with relational Database and SQL programming
    - Experience with script programming, python programming skill is big plus.
    - Experience in statistics and data mining, Big data or BI solutions is a big plus.
    - ETL and data integration tools (Pentaho, SSIS) usage and best practices is a big plus
    - Good English spoken and written skills. You will need to be able to work with western managers in a bilingual environment.
    1 条回复    2016-07-19 17:00:34 +08:00
       2016-07-19 17:00:34 +08:00
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