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App Annie 北京研发中心招聘<全栈工程师> - 硅谷文化,外资企业在北京

  •   appanniebj · 2016-07-26 15:02:33 +08:00 · 1600 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2994 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    App Annie 是全球最大的移动应用战略决策平台,为开发商与发行商提供开发、销售和投资应用需要了解的全部信息。超过 80 万应用使用 App Annie 追踪其表现,超过 40 万移动应用专业人士(包括 94%的 100 强发行商)依赖 App Annie 帮助其做出明智的商业决策,这些企业包括 Electronic Arts 、 Google 、 LinkedIn 、 LINE 、微软、耐克森 (Nexon)、雀巢、三星、腾讯、 Bandai Namco 、环球影业 (Universal Studios) 和道琼斯 (Dow Jones)。 App Annie 是一家私有的跨国公司,总部位于美国旧金山,在阿姆斯特丹、北京、伦敦、纽约、首尔和东京等全球 12 个城市设有办公室。公司已从 e.Ventures 、 Greycroft Partners 、 IDG Capital Partners 、 Institutional Venture Partners 和 Sequoia Capital 筹集到了 9400 万美元的融资。

    如果对职位有兴趣,请发送英文简历至 [email protected] or QQ me: 925273863

    我们以位于三里屯 SOHO 的顶级办公环境+竞争性的薪酬+六险一金+股票期权计划+近乎完美的福利报销制度(最新式的 MacBook Air/Pro +健身费+宽带费+探亲费+学习鼓励费等)诚邀您的加盟!

    We ’ re looking for an experienced developer who can lead teams and create innovative new products in the analytics and data space. You will lead the development team that creates the world's #1 Apple App Store analytics service. Together with the team you will build out new product features and applications using agile methodologies and open source technologies. You will work directly with the Director of Product and Director of Engineering, and will be on the front lines of coding new and exciting mobile app analytics products. You should be passionate about what you do and excited to join an entrepreneurial start--up.

    You should be a strong engineer with significant experience in back--end system design, profiling and optimization (database / software design). You ’ ve worked at companies before at a management level and therefore know what it takes to lead, manage, mentor and train.

    5+ years computer development experience, or less experience if exceptional skills combined with a Computer Science degree

    Good communication skills with management experience
    Great mentor to junior and mid level engineers
    Passionate about and good understanding of development methodologies such as XP, Scrum and RUP
    Good working knowledge of at least 2 of the following topics:
    Programming languages: Python (preferred) or C#, Java, PHP, Ruby
    Browser technologies: HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery
    DB development: PostgreSQL or other server database
    High performance computing: in--memory database, cloud computing, caching optimization techniques, cluster management, etc
    Data mining: statistics and data visualization (R, SPSS, SAS, Matlab, Mathematica, pandas, Tableau), analytics databases (Vertica, Sybase IQ, etc.)
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    ♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.