过程是这样子的: 我在 8 月 6 号左右先买了一个 5$一个月的 KVM2G-1024 ,中间感觉磁盘不够发 TK 加了 20G ,(5$年付是 50$,磁盘 12$/10G)续费一年加起来是 74$,后来感觉不太够内存又问能不能加内存,客服直接回复可以升级到 KVM2G-2048 (年付 100$),我就又付了 28$(本来付 26$就可以的,我那时候算错了, ticket 里面问是不是加 28$,然后就付了一个 28$的 bill )
结果前几天的时候多出来个 12.73$的 bill ,我就很奇怪发 TK 问了下,然后得到一个回复是这样的:
There was a few dollars to upgrade to 2048, and I didn't charge you a month of the extra disk space. You are coming out ahead, please don't be that guy that is that cheap.
Hi, I update to the KVM2G-2048 this month, so I need to pay 5$ more, the disk expend is 12$/year and I just used for 1 month, this is 2$.
Because I make a mistake, I have paid 102$ for KVM2G-2048. Then I want to know how much I need to pay for upgrade to 2048.
I'm not a rich guy, and I just want to know where is my money go 。
等到晚上之后账单变成 5$,收到的回复是这个:
I think you added something in your head and misunderstood, so I added more credit to get you to stop and you now only owe $5 that you seem to think is enough.
Instead of using Olympic levels of cheapness next time, say your end goal in the beginning, much of this could have been avoided if you didn't make minor changes when a major change would have suited you.
我就把那个 5$的支付了,我想问下各位 hostigation 购买升级会有这种情况么?
kid424 2016-08-24 14:19:25 +08:00
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msg7086 2016-08-24 14:31:14 +08:00
8/6 买的,前几天出新的 bill ,那结算日应该是 8 月底或者 9 月初,等于你用了 13 个月了吧? |
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DuckJK OP |
kid424 2016-08-24 16:25:01 +08:00
嗯……到 9 月 5 号到期的话,实际上楼主是使用 13 个月。虽然不清楚 hg 怎么算出 12.73 刀,不过楼主再补 5 刀应该没亏
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coolcfan 2016-08-26 22:19:00 +08:00