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  •   ccccccc · 2016-10-28 10:13:04 +08:00 · 1725 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2900 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    大概意思是说看了你的 Github 贡献,觉得你很适合前端开发工作,推荐一个给你,希望得到你的回复

    Hi xxxx,

    I am a Developer Relations Engineer at source{d}, we are working on improving developer recruitment. We have analyzed your open source contributions on Github and we think that you could be a good fit for the position as Frontend Engineer at Blacklane ( https://www.blacklane.com).

    Blacklane is a startup based in Berlin responsible for the development of a platform that connects, through website and Android/iOS apps, passengers with the spare seats of professional drivers in over 50 countries around the world.

    Blacklane ’ s team always wants to be up to date with the latest technologies, this is reflected in their tech stack. They have a microservices architecture and they are using multiple languages for the different applications, from Ruby or Python to Go and Elixir to name some. In the frontend they work with ReactJS for their website and they have developed high quality applications for both Android and iOS.

    Currently, they are almost 200 people of 40 different nationalities. Their developers are organised in six independent and functional teams, three of those are focused in the backend, one in the frontend, one mobile team and an operations team. They take good care of following the best coding practices to deploy the highest quality code possible working under an agile methodology.

    They are active supporters of the open source community, not only by contributing to multiple projects but also by sponsoring different open source events and conferences. Moreover, they also usually host user groups and tech talks in their own offices.

    They are looking for a developer with excellent skills and wide experience in JavaScript development with the front line frameworks and libraries such as ReactJS, AngularJS, Angular2, Backbone, etc. and who works under test-driven agile development processes. You will have to work at their offices in Berlin, joining an international highly qualified team with flat hierarchies, flexible working hours and an open feedback culture.

    The salary would range between €50.000 and €80.000 annually, depending on experience, and if it is needed, they will support your Visa and help with relocation.

    Should this be something you wish to explore, please let me know and we can set up a call to check if this is a good fit for you and Blacklane.

    Our technology is constantly evolving, so if you think that this position doesn ’ t match your profile or interests please accept my apologies and feel free to let us know. I will be more than happy to discuss other opportunities that could be a better fit for you. If you are not interested at all, just drop me a line, and I won ’ t contact you again.

    Best regards,

    Pablo de las Heras, Senior Developer Relations Engineer http://sourced.ai

    Read our latest blogpost: 397 Languages, 18,000,000 GitHub repositories, 1.2 billion files, 20 terabytes of code: Spaces or Tabs ( http://blog.sourced.tech/post/tab_vs_spaces/)

    6 条回复    2016-10-28 17:54:09 +08:00
       2016-10-28 10:32:05 +08:00   ❤️ 1
    你不认识的人,给你发超过 100 个字的基本都是广告,这个还用想?
       2016-10-28 12:17:01 +08:00
    at source{d}

       2016-10-28 12:20:24 +08:00 via Android
    @oott123 这家公司叫这个,他们是在 github 上帮企业招人,比较水,可以删掉。
       2016-10-28 12:22:41 +08:00
    @mozutaba 居然是叫这个,没仔细看,大意了!
       2016-10-28 16:46:32 +08:00
       2016-10-28 17:54:09 +08:00
    居然有玩 Elixir
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