Kimyx 2017-11-24 09:41:25 +08:00
有些商家限定 PayPal 支付区域,但是如果是这样的情况支付页面会提示。
还有就是 信用卡 比借记卡好使。。。 换张信用卡试试。 应该是 全币信用卡 -> 银联信用卡 -> 借记卡 |
leafleave 2017-11-24 09:41:34 +08:00 via Android
能不能直接冲钱进 paypal 账户再买?
y051313 2017-11-24 09:55:35 +08:00
打电话问 pp 客服。IP 地址变动会导致 pp 帐号的有些功能被禁用,比如绑卡。。。
tcpdump 2017-11-24 09:57:00 +08:00
dobelee 2017-11-24 09:59:32 +08:00 via Android
区域问题吧。有的不支持大陆注册的 paypal。比如套路云。
jovenking OP @tcpdump https://www.ultravps.eu/en/ 这家的 ,速度一般,但很稳定
760974873 2017-11-24 11:08:54 +08:00 via Android
Thank you for contacting PayPal Customer Support about your payment attempt.
The payment you were trying to send was not successful as our security system probably recognized the change of location from where the funds was sent (ex. Country, State, City, County, etc.) or the change of payment pattern (ex. fluctuating transaction amts, currency change). I understand how this payment is important to you, however to ensure the safety of your account I would suggest that you call us at 1-888-221-1161 to complete some validation process. Rest assured that our automated security system is put in place to protect the privacy of your account and to provide a secure online payment method. This helps prevent lost or stolen financial information from being used for unauthorized transactions. Thank you for being a valued member of the PayPal community. Have a great week and take care! |
iceheart 2017-11-24 12:12:56 +08:00 via Android
我绑的也是招行借记卡,前天还买了个 10 刀的 vps