SciDex 开始招人啦,招聘技术负责人、前端、后端工程师,地点: 北京 / 以色列
SciDex 是一个大数据交易和大数据分析的多维度市场空间。以安全透明的方式,实现并简化和规范了公司、企业、学校等机构间的数据交换模式。通过新开发的机制和工具—— Ricardian 自适应智能合约,令牌化和独特的数据索引——可以实现价值数百亿美元独立数据的交换,为科学界的合作和进步树立新的典范。
SciDex 团队由来自 MIT 的校友、企业家共同创立,并得到世界知名投资人的大力支持。
- 规划、设计系统架构
- 领导前端开发
- 管理一组开发人员
- 至少 2 年的管理经验
- 有教好的组织能力和口语表达能力
- 完备的前端知识(请参阅前端开发工程师工作描述)
- 熟悉 Python 框架
- Solidity
- web3 (专门用于以太坊区块链交互)
每月 35000 +
SciDex is a revolutionary MarketSpace which enables, simplifies, and standardizes the exchange of data between corporations, enterprises, institutions and universities in a secure and transparent way. Through newly developed mechanisms and tools--Ricardian Adaptive Smart Contracts, tokenisation, and a unique data index--billions of dollars worth of isolated data will be able to be exchanged, setting a new paradigm for advancements and collaboration in the scientific community.
SciDex is built by a team of MIT graduates, serial entrepreneurs, and is backed by world renowned investors.
Please send resume to :)
Tech team lead:
- plan and design the system's architecture
- leading the frontend development - hand's on approach
- manage a small team of devs
Must have these skills:
- managing experience of at least 2 years
- organized and good verbal skills
- full Frontend knowledge (see frontend job desc)
- Familliarity with Python frameworks
Nice to have:
- Solidity
- web3 (for specifically Ethereum blockchain interactions)
5K + USD per month.