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AI 考拉技术分享-Node 基础架构专题(二)

  •   kaolalicai · 2019-02-12 14:49:50 +08:00 · 3261 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2220 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。



    今天给大家介绍 logger 日志工具的使用,用 dev 的小哥哥的话说:log 工具,基于 tracer,简单,可以显示 log 的位置。


    3.0 版本开始,将不对 tracer 做任何封装,直接使用 Tracer

    详细用法见 tracer 文档https://www.npmjs.com/package/tracer



    默认版本是把 log 输出到 console

    import { Logger } from 'klg-logger'
    const logger = Logger({
      level: config.get('log.level'),
      dateformat: 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.L',
      inspectOpt: {
        showHidden: false, // if true then the object's non-enumerable properties will be shown too. Defaults to false
        depth: 5 // tells inspect how many times to recurse while formatting the object. This is useful for inspecting large complicated objects. Defaults to 2. To make it recurse indefinitely pass null.
    logger.info('hello world')
    logger.debug('hello %s', 'world')
    logger.error('hello %s', 'error')
    export {logger}  


    interface LoggerConfig {
         * Output format (Using `tinytim` templating)
         * Defaults to: `"{{timestamp}} <{{title}}> {{file}}:{{line}} ({{method}}) {{message}}"`
         * Possible values:
         * - timestamp: current time
         * - title: method name, default is 'log', 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error','fatal'
         * - level: method level, default is 'log':0, 'trace':1, 'debug':2, 'info':3, 'warn':4, 'error':5, 'fatal':6
         * - message: printf message, support %s string, %d number, %j JSON and auto inspect
         * - file: file name
         * - line: line number
         * - pos: position
         * - path: file's path
         * - method: method name of caller
         * - stack: call stack message
        format?: string | [string, LevelOption<string>];
         * Datetime format (Using `Date Format`)
        dateformat?: string;
        filters?: FilterFunction[] | LevelOption<FilterFunction> | Array<FilterFunction | LevelOption<FilterFunction | FilterFunction[]>>;
         * Output the log, if level of log larger than or equal to `level`.
        level?: string | number;
        methods?: string[];
         * Get the specified index of stack as file information. It is useful for development package.
        stackIndex?: number;
        inspectOpt?: {
             * If true then the object's non-enumerable properties will be shown too. Defaults to false.
            showHidden: boolean,
             * Tells inspect how many times to recurse while formatting the object.
             * This is useful for inspecting large complicated objects.
             * Defaults to 2. To make it recurse indefinitely pass null.
            depth: number
         * Pre-process the log object.
        preprocess?(data: LogOutput): void;
         * Transport function (e.g. console.log)
        transport?: TransportFunction | TransportFunction[];

    自定义 transport

    如果你需要把 log 输出到文件或者发送其他地方,可以自定义 transport function

    import { Logger } from 'klg-logger'
    const logger = new Logger({
      level: 'log',
      transport: function (data: Tracer.LogOutput) {
        // 写文件
        // 发送其他地址
        assert(data.level === 0)
    logger.log('hello world')


    如果你需要把 log 输出到文件或者发送其他地方,可以自定义 transport function

    import { LoggerDaily } from 'klg-logger'
    const logger = LoggerDaily({
      root: '/data/app/log',
      maxLogFiles: 10,
      allLogsFileName : true,
      level: 'log'
    logger.log('hello world')
    logger.err = logger.error
    logger.err('hello world')


    interface DailyFileConfig {
         * All daily log file's dir, default to: `'.'`.
        root?: string;
         * Log file path format.
         * Default to: `'{{root}}/{{prefix}}.{{date}}.log'`
         * Possible values:
         * - `root`: all daily log file's dir, default to: `'.'`.
         * - `prefix`: it equal to `allLogsFileName`, if `allLogsFileName` is provided; else it will be the method name.
         * - `date`: today's date.
        logPathFormat?: string;
         * Datetime format (Using `Date Format`)
        splitFormat?: string;
         * If `allLogsFileName` is provided then all level logs will be move to one daily log file.
        allLogsFileName?: boolean;
        maxLogFiles?: number;


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