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[新加坡] wego.com 招聘 设计师 若干名 30k~60k (非填坑式急招, 长期有效, 欢迎关注)

  •   czzhengkw · 2019-08-22 15:31:36 +08:00 · 1911 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2030 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    我司是 HQ 在新加坡的 online traveling 行业的互联网公司, 类似携程,去哪儿,途牛行业, 只是业务偏重亚太和中东, 目前中东市场份额领先同行. 最近面临扩张, 新加坡人才短缺, 老板希望多招募中国的工程师过来. 目前整个公司总部在新加坡, 迪拜, 印度, 印尼, 埃及等地都有分公司. 总人口似乎 200 左右, 新加坡有 50+, 技术团队有 30 左右. 员工分别来自 20 多个不同国籍. 更多关于公司信息, 可以查看官网报道.


    • 工资 6k 新币起步, 具体要自己谈
    • 工作时间 965, 有人有时会 1075
    • 公司赞助 EP 签证和单程机票和 2 周住宿
    • 20 天年假,14 天病假, 6 天育儿假,1 天生日假
    • 生病或者有事可短期远程办公


    • 佛系氛围, 不打鸡血不加班, 比国内大部分公司更注重软件工程, 出活不快,交叉 review, 出问题少
    • 每 2 周有 sprint plan 做回顾,定计划, 每天 startup 晨会对进度,定计划
    • 基础设施基于 AWS 和 Google Cloud, 深度实践 Infrastructure as code 和 Immutable Infrastructure
    • 主营搜索业务是基于 Java, 还有若干基于 Ruby 和 Nodejs 的微服务
    • 大量使用开源的软件,库和工具, terraform, ansible, jenkins 一系列, rails 的一坨,以及 java 系的一堆
    • 技术选型 open, 注重工程效率, 新服务采用 kubernetes, go 也在规划中
    • 日常主要用英语交流,口语也是,但大家都不是 native speaker,不用担心说得不好,多说 pardon 多比划就行



    JD 如下

    We're looking for an experienced creative, passionate Product Designer with strong interest and capable in designing and developing engaging user experiences.
    Based in Singapore and reporting to Wego ’ s Product Head, you will work with Wego ’ s Product Design team (web & apps). Our product design team is looking for another design talent to help us build products for millions of users.
    Your main mission is to work with other designers, PMs, engineers, and content strategists to help us craft the best experience for our users. You will be given the responsibilities and opportunities to make an impact to our product and business.
    You are passionate about design, not just about how it looks but how you can make great products and make people ’ s lives easier. You don ’ t jump into conclusions, you understand the problem and the goal before coming up with solutions. You design to solve problems.
    Design solutions ranging from paper-and-pencil concepts to wireframes and high-fidelity designs;
    Able to design using a design system as well as collaborating with other designers in maintaining the design system.
    Partnering with PMs, engineers, and content strategists to oversee the user experience of a product from conception to launch. Help define project approach and user experience strategy for web and mobile products;
    Work closely with Product and Engineering to make sure designs flow smoothly and are built to spec;
    Exceptional design skills, production value and attention to detail;
    Able to handle changing priorities throughout a product life cycle & manage multiple projects independently;
    Sharing best-practices with the rest of the design team. Giving and soliciting feedback from other designers to continually raise our bar for quality;
    At least 3-5 years of experience working on digital products (web / mobile apps);
    Excellent communication skills (ability to articulate clearly your design decisions);
    A team player and a self-starter. Able to work together with other designers as well as working as an individual contributor;
    Able to handle changing priorities throughout a product life cycle & manage multiple projects independently;
    Able to prototype designs that can explain workflows to developers;
    Strong cross-platform knowledge (Desktop Web, Mobile Web, Android, iOS, etc). You can speak the language and make thoughtful decisions about design & implementation;
    Have knowledge of Sketch, Abstract, Marvel, Zeplin, Adobe Suite, and associated design tools;
    You have designed products using design systems. Plus points if you have experience in building a design system;
    Experienced in doing research, such as usability testing, user interviews, or A/B testing;
    Please include your online portfolio. Candidates with no portfolio will not be considered;
    Extra credit for:
    Experience in product based company;
    Experienced in designing for multiple languages and right-to left languages;
    You have experience working in the travel industry;
    Understanding of common front-end and back-end technologies/platforms;
    You have experience in working remotely with other designers;


    以上 JD 仅供参考, 判断 ok 差不多就扔简历过来, 面试流程大约 3,4 轮吧, 每轮 30 分钟到 1 小时左右不等 通过 zoom 远程视频就行, 持续 1 个月左右 面试语言大概率是英语 应该不会有算法,有难度也不大 更多问题咨询和简历请砸我邮箱

    require 'base64'
    # 工作邮箱
    # 个人微信(搞灰产被封过号,每天不能加太多好友,通过可能会不及时)
    4 条回复    2019-09-06 20:44:31 +08:00
       2019-08-22 20:28:26 +08:00
    每天都要 standup meeting,agile 有时挺烦人的
       2019-08-24 23:59:57 +08:00 via Android
       2019-09-06 09:59:02 +08:00
    为啥标题是 30k 到 60k, 详情却 6k 起? 差太多了吧
       2019-09-06 20:44:31 +08:00
    @lithium4010 6K 新币
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