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[德国][猎头][招聘][技术移民] 德国本土医疗科技公司 | Project manager 项目经理

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  •   ballackfra · 2020-01-08 09:55:06 +08:00 · 1772 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1718 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。






    简历投递邮箱: [email protected]


    Our client is Avoxa - Mediengruppe Deutscher Apotheker GmbH, a company of the ABDA (Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbande e.V.). Avoxa offers pharmacists and other customers in the pharmaceutical and healthcare market a comprehensive range of products from events (congresses, trade fairs, conferences, seminars) to numerous specialist and public media and digital services with leading pharmaceutical data and information. Avoxa is committed to the special quality standards of the German pharmacy in all respects. NGDA - Netzgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker mbH - was founded as a 100% subsidiary of Avoxa to develop and operate a secure, intelligent, digital data network for pharmacies and pharmacists. We are looking for one for this innovative IT start-up as soon as possible:

    Project manager digital pharmacy (m / f)

    The responsibilities and core tasks of this position:

    • Management, management, and coordination of IT projects (digital solutions pharmacy)
    • Participation in the development and optimization of project management processes/standards
    • Management of all project phases from initiation to completion
    • Project management in close cooperation with product management. Development and service
    • Creation or coordination of management reports as part of project implementation
    • Cooperation with internal and external stakeholders (e.g. software/system houses)
    • Planning, coordination, and moderation of comprehensive project meetings
    • Supporting business development in creating business plans

    The professional requirements profile:

    • Completed business or computer science degree or comparable qualification
    • At least 3 years of experience as a project manager, preferably in IT projects
    • Very good knowledge of project management methods/standards (e.g. PRINCE2)
    • Safe handling of PM tools like MS-Project, JIRA, Confluence
    • Experience in managing agile teams. Product Owner. SCRUM master
    • Very good communication/presentation skills also at management level
    • Experience in the healthcare industry is an advantage

    The personal requirement profile: •Customer focus. Reliability, creativity, solution-oriented work style

    • Interest in the healthcare industry and in the interaction of health care actors
    • Problem-solving / technology competence, initiative, drive, organizational talent
    • Team orientation and enjoy working in the start-up environment (flat hierarchies)
    • Communication skills and persuasiveness through competence and personality

    The services of a dynamic start-up combined with a strong professional organization:

    • Trust working hours in combination with flat hierarchies
    • High flexibility in a start-up environment with secured financing
    • Beverage flat rate as well as an in-house canteen
    • Travel allowance under the RMV tariff up to price level 5
    • Promotion through appropriate further training

    德国 德国

    1 条回复    2020-01-08 12:17:07 +08:00
       2020-01-08 12:17:07 +08:00
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