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System Administrator -- EventBank捷会易 [北京 朝阳区 光华路]

  •   eventbank · 2013-08-01 14:22:54 +08:00 · 2672 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3987 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    • Install and configure computer systems, applications and tools for existing users and new hires.
    • Support and troubleshoot issues for operating systems, applications, tools and network.
    • Managing of the hosted platform including routing, load balancing, scalability, caching, security…

    • Good oral and written communication skills.
    • Ability to communicate technical concepts clearly.
    • Ability to prioritize and manage simple tasks.
    • Bachelor’s Degree with a major in information technology, or computer science related.
    • Support experience with various operating systems (Windows, Linux and Mac) and applications (Office suite, Sugar, …).
    • Support experience in installing and configuring desktops, laptops, video conference and networking.
    • Experience in administrating cloud servers.
    • Experience in development environment administration (nginx, MySQL, PHP, JAVA, Git, Jenkins, …).
    • Experience with at least one scripting/programming languages is a plus.
    • Experience in automated deployment and troubleshooting live issues is a plus.

    有意者,请把中英文简历发送至[email protected]
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