替朋友贴个广告,智能手机外接硬件相关的开发者。最好是深圳,上海也可以。有意者可直接写邮件给noa-labs.com的 Alex,通过v2ex私信联系我也可以。请转发给朋友,谢谢!
Goal: connecting accessories like additional SIM Card, Micro SD Card or temperature sensor via the data/charger connector of the smartphone including related applications
Phones: iPhone5, Samsung Galaxy S4. Future: other smartphones
OS: iOS7, Android4.0+. Future: other OSs.
Phase: (1) prototype, (2) R&D (future)
Required Skills:
We are in the course of establishing the working prototype with the main packages
connection between the external hardware and smartphone and
proof of concept with basic App and basic functions.
Not important at this stage are design, UI and UX.
Your Experience:
Communication stacks or protocols
Access to external hardware via existing OS drivers and functions or if necessary define and program new ones.
SIM card or SD card: using this SIM card for making phone calls, reading the data from the SIM card and SD card.
Create a general, bi-directional communication channel to receive other sensor values or send commands to extensions
Create a basic App with simple UI to show that the extensions are working for a user
Your possible future:
Doing the R&D for production or leading our Smartphone Software Development Team
Optimizing the speed and reliability of the low level communication
Creating beautiful Apps with state of the art UI and UX
Developing APIs and SDKs to make this functions accessible to other programmers
The prototype is our test bed. It is certainly the opportunity to prove yourself and to recommend yourself for our later team selection or leading the team.
We have an international team and speaking and writing in English is required. Most of R&D of this product is happening in the area of Shenzhen and Hong Kong and we prefer somebody nearby.
Required Action:
Please contact me at
Alex@noa-labs.com if you or a person in your network suits and is ready to take our job invitation.
Lech Alexander Murawski
M.Sc. Mechatronics
CEO & Founder
NOA Labs