有没有老哥分享一下经历,我看 wise 官方说的是:
If your card was issued in the US, you can only activate it while you’re in the US. If you’re planning to travel, please make sure to activate it before you go. Here’s how:
- Go to your Wise account
- Go to Card on the website or app
- Choose Activate your card
- Enter the 6-digit code that’s on the sticker on the card
- Choose your PIN
光看这几步,我还是不明白它是咋限制我得在美国境内激活的。哪怕它说需要线下 ATM 付款我都不会 问这个问题。。
louistang 2023-06-02 09:22:55 +08:00 via iPhone
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @louistang 感谢回复,但是我不明白它们是靠什么限制的呢?我能否绕过限制?
lancolor9812 2023-06-02 11:45:58 +08:00 via iPhone
@louistang 美区要实体卡还要 9 刀的费用是什么费用呀?
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @lancolor9812 就是一次性的开卡费
FinlayX 2023-06-02 13:20:56 +08:00
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @FinlayX 我的卡申请通过,已经在路上了。我之前申请过 ITIN ,地址证明直接用当时 IRS 发的信就可以了,就是注意上面的地址得和 wise 当时填的地址一致。另外我看淘宝上也有用模板生成假水电费账单的业务,但是我不敢试。。
FinlayX 2023-06-02 22:27:23 +08:00
@zwzwzwzwzxt #6 感谢回复,最近我也在了解相关问题,后续希望 op 后续有新情况可以在得空的时候继续更新一下,如果有更新我会持续关注的,感谢分享
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @FinlayX 拿到卡激活成功了,比想象中简单。。真的只需要用卡上贴的 6 位数字在网页上激活就能用了。
FinlayX 2023-06-12 08:05:39 +08:00 via iPhone
@zwzwzwzwzxt 收到,感谢老哥回复
levineet 2023-06-14 12:10:22 +08:00
@zwzwzwzwzxt 请问 OP 卡是通过地址租赁转寄回国内的吗?用的是什么快递的什么种类?
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @levineet 是转运的,用的联邦快递。种类我不太确定,上面写的是 `International Priority FedEx Envelope`
levineet 2023-06-14 14:06:00 +08:00
@zwzwzwzwzxt 好的,价格可以提供个参考吗?我前面问 anytime mailbox 的转运价格,告诉我 Fedex 要 $350 ,整个被吓到😟
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @levineet 将近 50 刀。。。
levineet 2023-06-14 17:02:36 +08:00
@zwzwzwzwzxt Thanks !我搜了一下好像差不多这个价格,感觉还算相对合理。我下次等几个件到了一起再寄吧😂
levineet 2023-06-20 11:49:55 +08:00
@zwzwzwzwzxt 我发现美国的 Wise Card 如果要使用 contactless (包括 Apple Pay )支付的话,必须要在美国使用一次 Chip and pin 交易... 所以目前绑定了 Apple Pay 好像无法支付,我注销美区账号重新注册英国区了🥲
> 3. 如果你在美國獲得 Wise 卡,但仍未啟動你的卡。你必須先啟動你的卡,才能進行任何類型的付款,包括感應式付款。當你收到卡後,請前往帳戶中的卡頁面,然後輸入實體卡上面印在你姓名下方的 6 位數代碼。現在你已啟動你的卡,你首先要以插卡輸入密碼的方式進行一次交易,才能使用感應式付款。https://wise.com/zh-hk/help/articles/2935789/%E7%82%BA%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%E6%88%91%E7%84%A1%E6%B3%95%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8wise%E5%8D%A1%E7%9A%84%E6%84%9F%E6%87%89%E5%BC%8F%E4%BB%98%E6%AC%BE |
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @levineet 感谢补充,那看来美区的只能线上消费了
aaaachen 2023-08-05 21:17:18 +08:00
各位 V 友,有知道美国的 Wise 卡的 BIN 是什么的吗?是美国本土的银行发行的吗?
PS:我的实体卡寄给美国的朋友,快一个月都没有收到,看来只能让官方重新寄一张了。 |
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @aaaachen 我的是 522915. 是美国的银行。
Alexis3024 2023-09-23 05:31:11 +08:00
老哥问一下你找的哪家转运啊,能不能分享一下? wise 寄卡的时候姓名填不了转运仓给的代码,问客服要快递单号又说没有,最后我咸鱼找了个私人地址还寄丢了两次,我都快被这张卡搞疯了(⊙﹏⊙)
zwzwzwzwzxt OP 我是在 travelingmailbox 上租的私人地址,它就承接转运服务了,运件走的是 FedEx 。你可以问问你转运的客服能不能把代码放在地址里呢
Alexis3024 2023-09-24 22:11:39 +08:00 via iPhone
@zwzwzwzwzxt 这个看起来比私人转运靠谱多了🤣谢了老哥
moplord 2023-12-30 16:14:40 +08:00 via iPhone
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @moplord 和它在网页里预估的时间一致,印象里不到两周的时间。
aaaachen 351 天前
我特意问了客服,但是客服不正面回答,客服的倾向就是要在美国境内完成 chip and PIN
Subject: Inquiry Regarding First Chip and PIN Transaction for Card Activation Dear Wise Support Team, I recently received my Wise card in the United States and I am in the process of activating it. According to the activation instructions, I understand that after activating the card by entering the 6-digit code in the Cards section of my account, a chip and PIN transaction is required before I can use the card for contactless payments. My query pertains to the location where this initial chip and PIN transaction must be conducted. Specifically, I would like to know if this transaction needs to be completed within the United States, or if it can be done in any global location. This clarification is crucial for me as my travel plans may influence where I am able to perform this first transaction. Your guidance on this matter would greatly assist me in effectively utilizing my Wise card. Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to your prompt response. ---------------------------------------------------- Hello xxx, Thanks for getting in touch! I do really understand your concern as you would like to activate Wise card. As your card was issued in the US, you can activate it by using the 6-digit PIN we give you with your card. Go to your Wise account Go to Card Choose Activate Now Enter the 6-digit code that’s on the letter your card came attached to. You can only activate the card when you’re in the US. So if you’re planning to take it traveling, please make sure to activate it before you go. You need to activate your card to make any kind of payments, including contactless. Once you follow the above steps then it’s activated, you’ll need to do a chip and PIN transaction before using contactless. You can refer to this link How do I activate my Wise card? I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. Regards, Wise |
a154225859 350 天前
国内 ATM 插卡查询一下余额就激活了
@aaaachen |
aaaachen 350 天前
@a154225859 感谢告知
aaaachen 226 天前
现在美区也有 digital card 了,没有这种烦恼了。
zwzwzwzwzxt OP @aaaachen 是的,前几天换卡的时候我发现了,嘿嘿。