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@silentx C#暂时没有哦
@deston 早说嘛 不用转啊
我们有 Senior Android 的职位


You’ll tackle difficult and interesting challenges and help build our construction records document/sheet management platform to enable our customers to have a delightful experience. You'll be working in areas including:

Building tools to streamline communication and collaboration on the construction site
Tackling synchronization and consistency that allows our users to work and edit offline
Working with and contributing to our shared library that is used across all three of our mobile platforms (iOS, Android, and Windows Desktop) written in Kotlin/Native
Building slick and responsive UI that can handle complex folder structures and permissions
Enabling other feature teams to build upon our foundational solutions
Minimum Qualifications

B.S. Degree in Computer Science or related technical discipline, or equivalent practical experience
Fluency in both oral and written English
At least 4 years of professional software development experience
Experience building Android apps; interest in refactoring and legacy code improvement a big plus
Experience with Kotlin/Native
Experience building iOS or Windows apps is a big plus as you will have cross-platform and full-stack exposure
Interest or experience in professional-grade practices around developer testing, including TDD/BDD, property-based testing, contract testing, and other high-quality client-side engineering techniques
Experience with at least one server-side framework (Rails, Django, Flask, etc.) is a big plus
Team player — you love to teach others about cool new tricks you have learned and absorb tips and tricks from developers; love solving problems as a team across platforms, and are enthusiastic about synchronous collaboration in addition to heads-down work

Software Development Engineer(2 headcounts)

1)1 year experience in C++
2) Fresh Graduate with good C++ knowledge is also welcomed
@deston 现在用的什么语言?
收到几份简历,这次机会难得。招聘名额较多,且比较急 (新的项目 包括 manager 也在招,上面没有列出,有管理经验的前端的也可以和我联系)
@Acropho13ia 只有一个 Java 的职位 (汇报对象是老外,对英语有一定要求)

Senior Software Engineer, Backend Developer
1) Familiar with one popular backend programming languages such as Java/Python/C++

如果愿意做 Node 的 可以联系哦
2021-11-05 13:54:45 +08:00
回复了 zoe1016aaa 创建的主题 酷工作 [上海] [英伟达 Nvidia] [CUDA 开发工程师]
是在高科中路吗?平时节奏怎么样,有没有 graphics 相关的坑呀?
两周前投递的同学已经有几位拿到 Offer 了
仍有少量职位 感兴趣的请和我联系哈
不要 care 英语 只要觉得自己想躺平 请入坑 哈哈
@impl 可以 不过我们也有 c++相关 devops 的职位
@xipuxiaoyehua 初级也要看工作年限的,据我所知应届生 20 出头的样子 根据经验可以类推
@cxytz01 @socketpeng 英语没特别要求 除了邮件平时都是中文环境 不过面试会考察一些基本交流 但要求不高 一般情况下能说 能听明白就可以
除了资深和架构师 只要你不在意 公司不会看技术栈的 :)
@xipuxiaoyehua 可以的,目前 c++确实不好招。初级的 c++er 并不要求有经验,但是会对数据结构和算法有一定的考察。
2021-08-09 17:23:55 +08:00
回复了 formulahendry 创建的主题 分享创造 955WLB 微信小程序,可以按城市筛选了!
IT 行业貌似只有外企还能遵循规则了
顺便打个广告,Autodesk (上海)最近有招新 请搜我之前的帖子
2021-08-09 16:22:24 +08:00
回复了 svtter 创建的主题 酷工作 有没有想写 Django 的 Pythonista or Java developer?欢迎来我司
能远程办公么 待遇如何?
持续招聘中,话说 C++真的没有人搞了么 :)
@toma77 平时都用的中文 邮件英语

@maryshaw 薪资每个职位不一样 Sr 约 40-70 其他的大概可以估计一下
2021-07-17 19:13:28 +08:00
回复了 Turkestan 创建的主题 职场话题 上个班真累,动不动就被老员工摆一道
如果觉得被针对了,找 leader 或者领导好好沟通一下
@wenzaiquan199 之前投过?
要不要再试一次 :)
@nicklooo 用 C#,只是这次没有相关的职位哦。
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