fantasticfears 我最后一段有提到我的目的。如果跟既得利益者展开编辑战只能是浪费时间。维基百科 ban 掉了很多 Tor IP,我怕会遇到不顾后果的人。我亲眼看到有人在某个 IRC 频道上组织攻击央行(当时央行并不是唯一的目标,不过他们后来说不是他们干的),这点我无法提供证据所以没在主题里提到,而且只影响我个人。
Tvguy如果以后持币者在拉人入场的时候不说“躺着就能挣钱”“明天涨到 1 万”“后天涨到 2 万”“年后一个币能买房”,也不把什么利空都能生拉硬扯解释成利好,那就好了。
我觉得人们说的无法追踪是有前提的。想追的话能做到,只是成本问题。Bruce Schneier 前几天还在视频里说过只要被盯上了就别指望安全(忘了原话了)。当然了,不否认普通人被盯上的可能性很小。
Stocks are not quite the same actually. Stocks can still be related to the real world value and the real economy behind it at least. Bitcoin? Uhm.. let me see. The value based on lawful or unlawful trades maybe? Even so, how to measure it? Anons love it, so let's find out who they really are and how many coins they own? Or maybe use the data that publicly available on "third-party" websites while without understanding what any of those transactions stands for?
Note that the price isn't necessarily a reflection of its value. Your arguments have slightly revealed what bitcoin players mainly care about is the price, or profit if you prefer.
"What do you own exactly?"
> Showing me the balance.
> And a wallet.dat stored in his computer.
"So what do those numbers and that file represent?"
"I don't know.. How much fiat money I have maybe?"
If people do want to trade using some kind of P2P money, there are a lot of altcoins out there can be used, a lot. Few people care about other uses like some of us here. People should know what they are trying to deal with, that's my point.
I don't understand why some of you think it is wiki that I was blaming. :( Again, I'm not blaming bitcoin the software nor Wikipedia the website. I thought I've pointed that out for several times. The purpose of this topic is to warn newcomers. If you have to say I've blamed something, you can say that I was blaming people who jack up the price of bitcoin and lie to newcomers for their own personal interest by telling promising futures without risks, or risks are too small to be considered, etc.. Not sure if you are coming back since you just joined V2EX one day ago. But if you are, maybe you could tell me how to let people know I was not blaming wiki.