file://H:\OS (12 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 77.02 GB in total.)
├─AIX (1 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 2.48 GB in total.)
│└─AIX 6.1 (0 folders, 3 files, 2.48 GB, 2.48 GB in total.)
│6100-08-02_v1.iso 375.39 MB
│6100-08-02_v2.iso 1.81 GB
│PowerHA 6.1.iso 313.13 MB
├─Drivers (0 folders, 5 files, 3.41 GB, 3.41 GB in total.)
│ 1.06 GB
│ 846.41 MB
│ 733.97 MB
│ 524.75 MB
│ 305.72 MB
├─Linux (3 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 44.20 GB in total.)
│├─CentOS (4 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 10.86 GB in total.)
││├─6.3 (0 folders, 2 files, 5.43 GB, 5.43 GB in total.)
│││CentOS-6.3-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso 3.99 GB
│││CentOS-6.3-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso 1.43 GB
││├─6.4 (0 folders, 2 files, 1.41 GB, 1.41 GB in total.)
│││CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso 55.71 MB
│││CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso 1.35 GB
││├─6.5 (0 folders, 1 files, 165.00 MB, 165.00 MB in total.)
│││CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso 165.00 MB
││└─7.0 (0 folders, 1 files, 3.86 GB, 3.86 GB in total.)
││CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-DVD.iso 3.86 GB
│├─RedHat (2 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 9.93 GB in total.)
││├─OL (1 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 3.62 GB in total.)
│││└─6.5_64 (0 folders, 1 files, 3.62 GB, 3.62 GB in total.)
│││V41362-01.iso 3.62 GB
││└─RHEL (0 folders, 2 files, 2.31 GB, 6.31 GB in total.)
││rhel-server-6.3-i386-dvd.iso 2.89 GB
││rhel-server-6.3-x86_64-dvd.iso 3.43 GB
│└─SuSE (1 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 23.41 GB in total.)
│└─11 (4 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 23.41 GB in total.)
│├─Auto (0 folders, 2 files, 2.05 GB, 6.05 GB in total.)
││SLES11-SP1-64-AUTO.iso 2.89 GB
││SLES11-SP2-64-AUTO.iso 3.16 GB
│├─SP1 (0 folders, 2 files, 5.52 GB, 5.52 GB in total.)
││SLES-11-SP1-64-DVD.iso 2.83 GB
││SLES-11-SP1-DVD-i586-GM-DVD1.iso 2.70 GB
│├─SP2 (0 folders, 2 files, 3.81 GB, 3.81 GB in total.)
││SLES-11-SP2-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso 3.10 GB
││SLES-11-SP2-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD2.iso 731.93 MB
│└─SP3 (0 folders, 4 files, 4.02 GB, 8.02 GB in total.)
│SLES-11-SP3-DVD-i586-GM-DVD1.iso 3.00 GB
│SLES-11-SP3-DVD-i586-GM-DVD2.iso 0.94 GB
│SLES-11-SP3-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso 3.13 GB
│SLES-11-SP3-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD2.iso 0.95 GB
├─Mac (0 folders, 2 files, 1.97 GB, 1.97 GB in total.)
│iatkos_ml2.iso 1.57 GB
│OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2 VMware Image.7z 410.55 MB
├─Others (0 folders, 6 files, 681.40 MB, 681.40 MB in total.)
│CGI-standard.rar 4.34 MB
│DirectX_Repair-V3_0.7z 71.42 MB
│MAX.7z 478.71 MB
│NTBOOTautofix v2.5.7.rar 711.21 KB
│Win8PEV2.3.iso 125.10 MB
│winntsetup.v3.6.3_x86.x64.exe 1.14 MB
├─ServerGuide (0 folders, 2 files, 1.56 GB, 1.56 GB in total.)
│ibm_utl_sguide_9.30-win2k03-08_anyos_x86-64.iso 789.50 MB
│ibm_utl_sguide_9.30_anyos_i386.iso 809.82 MB
├─Windows 2003 (1 folders, 3 files, 3.21 GB, 5.19 GB in total.)
││en_win_srv_2003_r2_datacenter_with_sp2_vl_cd1_X13-46616.iso 583.45 MB
││ghost2k3_sp2企业完整版2013.11_ie8版.iso 1.73 GB
││Win2K3_SP2完整安装版2014.01_IE8版.iso 934.19 MB
│└─Ghost Server 2003 SP2 数据中心完整版 2014.06 (1 folders, 4 files, 1.87 GB, 1.97 GB in total.)
││Fix.rar 1.36 KB
││Ghost2K3_SP2数据中心完整版2014.06_IE8版.iso 1.87 GB
││光盘说明.txt 7.63 KB
││文件校验工具.exe 28.50 KB
│└─蜻蜓特派员 Office 2003 sp3 五合一 精简安装版 bulid 20140329 (0 folders, 2 files, 102.81 MB, 102.81 MB in total.)
│Office2003SP3_5in1_20140329.exe 102.79 MB
│蜻蜓特派员 Office 2003 sp3 五合一 精简安装版 bulid 20140329.mht 21.23 KB
├─Windows 2008 R2 (0 folders, 3 files, 9.66 GB, 9.66 GB in total.)
│cn_windows_server_2008_r2_standard_enterprise_datacenter_and_web_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_617396.iso 3.14 GB
│en_windows_server_2008_r2_standard_enterprise_datacenter_and_web_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_617403.iso 2.95 GB
│Win_Server_08R2_33in1_v1.1-UEFI.ISO 3.58 GB
├─Windows 2012 (0 folders, 1 files, 89.97 MB, 89.97 MB in total.)
│Win_Server_2012_r2_Up_4in1_201405.iso 89.97 MB
├─Windows 7 (0 folders, 4 files, 3.12 GB, 3.12 GB in total.)
│Win7SP1_2014.03_x64.GHO 2.29 GB
│Win7_PRO_X64_Nin1_201403.iso 111.13 MB
│Win7SP1_2014.03_x86.GHO 434.66 MB
│WIN7SP1_ULT_EN_CN_OEM_Nin1_V1.1.iso 300.11 MB
├─Windows 8.1 (2 folders, 1 files, 172.03 MB, 1.12 GB in total.)
││Win8.1_Pro_X64_Up1_EnCn_Kms.iso 172.03 MB
│├─Ghost Win8.1 with Update 64位 企业完整版 2014.04 (0 folders, 3 files, 806.88 MB, 806.88 MB in total.)
││Ghost Win8.1 with Update 64位 企业完整版 2014.04.txt 6.10 KB
││OneKey_NoAd.exe 6.45 MB
││Win8.1_Update_Ent_MSDN_x64.GHO 800.42 MB
│└─Win8.1_Up_X64_Nin1_201404 (0 folders, 4 files, 172.75 MB, 172.75 MB in total.)
│Hash.exe 28.50 KB
│Win8.1_Up_X64_Nin1_201404.ISO 172.67 MB
│说明与校验值.txt 1.42 KB
│专业版与企业版.JPG 51.56 KB
└─Windows XP (1 folders, 1 files, 1.42 GB, 3.56 GB in total.)
│WinXP_SP3_EN_2014.4_Final.GHO 1.42 GB
└─GhostXP_SP3完整纯净版2014.07(终结版) (1 folders, 3 files, 1.87 GB, 2.14 GB in total.)
│GhostXP_SP3完整纯净版2014.07(终结版)_光盘说明.txt 6.37 KB
│GhostXP_SP3完整纯净版2014.07_终结版.iso 1.87 GB
│文件校验工具.exe 28.50 KB
└─蜻蜓特派员 Office 2003 sp3 五合一 精简安装版 bulid 20140329 (0 folders, 4 files, 278.97 MB, 278.97 MB in total.)
Office2003SP3_3in1_20140329.exe 82.35 MB
Office2003SP3_4in1_20140329.exe 93.81 MB
Office2003SP3_5in1_20140329.exe 102.79 MB
蜻蜓特派员 Office 2003 sp3 五合一 精简安装版 bulid 20140329.mht 21.23 KB