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V2EX 第 627606 号会员,加入于 2023-05-06 17:23:22 +08:00
今日活跃度排名 23229
a30968932 最近回复了
131 天前
回复了 pancrasxox 创建的主题 OpenAI [求助] 最好的 chatgpt 开源套壳站点(github)
134 天前
回复了 yisier 创建的主题 分享创造 撸了一个 AI 绘画图片搜索站
@yisier 难得那么好的网站,收藏备孕,结果没了。哎。
135 天前
回复了 avatus 创建的主题 程序员 两段来自喵星的奇怪信息

137 天前
回复了 yisier 创建的主题 分享创造 撸了一个 AI 绘画图片搜索站
138 天前
回复了 phf0313 创建的主题 设计 帮朋友找兼职美工,应该怎么给报酬?
139 天前
回复了 bkmi 创建的主题 OpenAI 一觉醒来 OpenAI 账户变成预付费了
{"prompt":"Design an ultra-realistic poster for a supermarket entrance, packed entirely with an assortment of fruits to showcase freshness and variety. The poster should depict a lush display of fruits like strawberries, bananas, oranges, apples, and grapes, with each fruit rendered in great detail to exhibit its texture, natural sheen, and vibrant colors. The fruits should be arranged in a sumptuous and inviting layout, celebrating the abundance and quality of the supermarket's fresh produce offerings. The image should be filled with fruits, leaving no empty space, to emphasize the richness and appeal of the selection.","size":"1024x1024"}
search error

I apologize for the inconvenience. It seems there was an error in processing your request. Let me try again to create the image for you. Please hold on.

{"prompt":"Design an ultra-realistic poster for a supermarket entrance, packed entirely with an assortment of fruits to showcase freshness and variety. The poster should depict a lush display of fruits like strawberries, bananas, oranges, apples, and grapes, with each fruit rendered in great detail to exhibit its texture, natural sheen, and vibrant colors. The fruits should be arranged in a sumptuous and inviting layout, celebrating the abundance and quality of the supermarket's fresh produce offerings. The image should be filled with fruits, leaving no empty space, to emphasize the richness and appeal of the selection.","size":"1024x1024"}
search error

I apologize for the repeated errors. It seems there is a technical issue preventing the creation of the image at the moment. Unfortunately, I am unable to generate a new image for you right now due to this unexpected error. Please try again later or let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.
148 天前
回复了 haoyu7 创建的主题 程序员 技术求租!镜像网站
如果你的使用率比较频繁,建议用 api
网页版有限制,合租也有限制,更累人。api 是用多少扣多少,不用不扣费
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