m1nm13 最近的时间轴更新


V2EX 第 545035 号会员,加入于 2021-05-11 14:12:02 +08:00
m1nm13 最近回复了
20 小时 43 分钟前
回复了 ayang23 创建的主题 分享发现 这道数学题能让目前所有 AI 原地爆炸
按照甲、乙、丙的循环顺序,注满水池需要 19.6 小时

qwq 32b int4. 算了可能有 3 分钟....其实在一开始它就算对了,反复在重复验证.

You have unlimited time to think and respond to the user’s question. There is no need to worry about reasoning time or associated costs. Your only goal is to arrive at a reliable, correct final answer. Feel free to explore the problem from multiple angles, and try various methods in your reasoning. This includes reflecting on reasoning by trying different approaches, verifying steps from different aspects, and rethinking your conclusions as needed. You are encouraged to take the time to analyze the problem thoroughly, reflect on your reasoning promptly and test all possible solutions. Only after a deep, comprehensive thought process should you provide the final answer, ensuring it is correct and well-supported by your reasoning.
7 天前
回复了 webs 创建的主题 生活 去医院做个检查被开了五百多块钱的药
@webs #25 野鸡药厂就对了,集采那个价格,也就只有野鸡敢接了
7 天前
回复了 yeccc 创建的主题 程序员 cursor 吃相有点难看了!
@chenliangngng tab 不消耗
@allinschroe 这真不是串子?
9 天前
回复了 nirayxu 创建的主题 NAS 旧电脑如何优化配置改造成 Nas?重点是省钱

11 天前
回复了 wnpllrzodiac 创建的主题 问与答 无线鼠标求推荐
11 天前
回复了 iorilu 创建的主题 知乎 知乎妥协了, 不用登陆可以看全文
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