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考虑到还有编程语言,那必然是 类似 star trek 里 Borg Collective:
The Borg Collective, also known as the Borg Hive, was the term used to define the collective intelligence comprising all members linked together into a hive mind via subspace transceivers and calling themselves the Borg. It was the de facto governing power, as the term was considered by individuals, over all Borg civilization.

The Collective made decisions as a single entity. However, the Borg Queen played an as yet not totally understood role in ordering the chaos of the Collective and the information flowing in from its trillions of drones.

The voice of the collective had a multi-track resonant quality, the sound of the trillions of drones that comprised it speaking as one.

The collective form of organization allowed for tremendous efficiency in action and deliberation. With each drone functioning separately according to its instructions, it could at any time be processing information, performing physical actions, or focusing its energy toward other collective goals. The vast resources thus presented to the collective organization allowed for simultaneous execution of a nearly infinite number of tasks as well as nearly limitless calculations. This in turn allowed the Borg to consider multiple courses of action before committing to any one course. The best example of this was the Borg ability to "adapt" nearly instantaneously to any type of attack or threat. By focusing its resources on the threat at hand all possible outcomes and responses could be explored within an extremely short period of time. The result was that the Borg were able to bring a tremendous amount of force, or computational power, to bear on any single problem and overwhelm any opposition by sheer volume of numbers. The collective state of organization also greatly decreased the chance of error that exists with the decision making of individuals or the conflicts of opinion that are a factor in hierarchical organizations.

One consequence of the collective state, noted by Jean-Luc Picard who had more dealings with the Borg than anyone in the Federation except Kathryn Janeway, was that the Borg were utterly without mercy or compassion. In this totalitarian existence, only the needs of the collective as a whole are considered, and in this utilitarian calculation the needs of the unrivaled number of Borg would nearly always override any other considerations.
2021-06-23 14:16:00 +08:00
回复了 sn0w 创建的主题 Brave 主打隐私的 brave 浏览器今天推出了他们的搜索引擎啦~
兼容 chrome 插件的浏览器现在有什么好选择? edge ?
2021-06-22 17:20:09 +08:00
回复了 LouisLove 创建的主题 投资 币圈的各位最近手心还有汗能出吗?
早就财富自由的笑看圈外的 nocoiner 意淫老韭菜的“惨状”
2021-06-22 17:14:58 +08:00
回复了 zhangchongjie 创建的主题 程序员 长时间敲代码,是浅色背景好还是深色背景好?
VS Code 里选“Solarized Light” 的颜色主题最舒服。
2021-06-21 00:06:49 +08:00
回复了 sn0w 创建的主题 分享发现 安利一个类 Alfred 的软件——Raycast
Raycast 功能和 launchbar 比如何?支持中文不?
看来还是要多用 CCC
2021-06-18 19:45:52 +08:00
回复了 futork 创建的主题 奇思妙想 为了研究房屋买卖,验证想法,我转行做了房产中介
@murmur 没错,区块链只能保证数字化的信息真伪;对于物理世界上链,你需要一个可信的”信息代理 /中介“。是不是又绕回去了?所以区块链无卵用。
2021-06-18 10:52:20 +08:00
回复了 mrchi 创建的主题 Apple 申请外区 Apple ID 选哪个区比较好?
除了 iTunes 礼品卡,这个马来西亚电商平台上还有各种宝贝,比如巴西的 xbox 点卡,阿根廷的 steam wallet code
@Liam1997 这个可能和身在大陆有关。。
而且 plus 目前也是能用的,只是满足不了我的数据量,所以我订阅了。
我当年买的 plus 还在,也订阅了,3 个月我能写 700 多条。。除了记账什么都记。
2021-06-13 22:42:43 +08:00
回复了 F0nebula 创建的主题 问与答 OnePlus 9 Pro 还是 Mi 11 pro?
i12 pro
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