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V2EX  ›  defunct9  ›  全部回复第 18 页 / 共 247 页
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Fuck 这个狗日的 5.1 长假
165 天前
回复了 fengrui00122 创建的主题 问与答 求推荐 LIR
RIPE now requires all natural persons to finish iDenfy verification.
165 天前
回复了 fengrui00122 创建的主题 问与答 求推荐 LIR
165 天前
回复了 carlinglm 创建的主题 职场话题 34 岁的运维,还能学点什么吗?
165 天前
回复了 carlinglm 创建的主题 职场话题 34 岁的运维,还能学点什么吗?
165 天前
回复了 ggp1ot2 创建的主题 旅行 有人去首尔旅游过吗?住水原会不会很远?
上面这一个的答案是 water detector ?
Dr. Smith ventured deeper into the scorching desert, clutching his water detector tightly. The relentless sun beat down, casting harsh shadows across the endless expanse of sand. But Dr. Smith pressed on, determined to unlock the desert's secrets despite the hostile environment.

As he delved further into the arid landscape, the ground beneath Dr. Smith's feet began to tremble. Suddenly, monstrous creatures erupted from the sand—sand worms, their gaping jaws snapping hungrily as they lunged towards him.

With lightning reflexes, Dr. Smith dodged the creatures' attacks, his heart pounding with adrenaline. But the sand worms were relentless, their razor-sharp teeth gnashing dangerously close. In the chaos, Dr. Smith lost his equipment, leaving him defenseless against the ferocious beasts.

With no time to spare, Dr. Smith sprinted across the desert sands, the hot breath of the sand worms close behind. Fear threatened to overwhelm him, but he clung to his water detector with unwavering determination—it was his only hope of survival in the unforgiving wilderness.
What does Dr. Smith lose during his encounter with the sand worms?

His water detector
His hat
His map
167 天前
回复了 zhouyin 创建的主题 问与答 你用的马桶是什么牌子 有什么特殊功能
167 天前
回复了 cslive 创建的主题 问与答 有没有试过穿五趾袜的
167 天前
回复了 kandaakihito 创建的主题 Linux 服务器怎么扩容系统盘?
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